In general this book really dives in the discussion of toxic relationships. It’s is not a topic I’ve seen discussed before in a book, so I really appreciated that Kelly Quindlen went there in a YA romance. Scottie lost herself in a past relationship and is trying to recover her identity outside of it. It dealt heavily with heartbreak, which I think anyone – including older readers – will be able to relate to.

This book really explored the vast range of the teenage experiences. These characters read like real teens – they make bad choices, they were messy, they were angsty, and it was absolutely fantastic.

While, this started off a little slow, once the story got going I absolutely fell in love with these characters. This was really adorable and really well done. YA contemporary romance isn’t always my thing – but this book made me a believer. Thank you so, so much to Roaring Book Press and Netgalley for sending me an e-arc copy in exchange for an honest review.