Based on the series created by Rob Scotton. When the duck does not make a sound, Splat packs it in his backpack to take to Mrs. Beginning readers will love the zany wordplay in this. Learning mode asks questions related to the story.Splat falls off his bicycle on his way to school, landing nose to beak with a duck. A duck with no quack Who has ever heard of that Certainly not Splat-and he decides to investigate. Splat the Cat and the Duck with No Quack is the baffling tale about a duck who, you guessed it, does not quack. Powered by a rechargeable battery USB charger required for recharging.Īudiobook player has 2 modes. Splats bicycle bumps and jumps over the bumpy track on his way to school, until. Issued as a Wonderbook, a pre-loaded audiobook player permanently attached to a hardcover book. : Harpercollins Childrens Books, ©2011.Īudiobook originally released by HarperCollins. Wimpydimple, who will know what to do, and heads off to Cat School. When the duck does not make a sound, Splat packs the duck in his backpack along with his school supplies to his teacher, Mrs. Splat the Cat and the Duck with No Quack by Rob Scotton.

crack! Splat takes a tumble off of his bike and finds himself nose to beak with a duck. Rob Scotton is one of Englands leading childrens book author and illustrator known for. Splat the cat's bicycle bumps and jumps over the bumpy track on his way to school, until. Solon, Ohio : Findaway World, LLC, ġ Wonderbook (32 pages) : color illustrations 24 cm. readaloud reading learntoread storytime splathecat read alongRead along with aunt Michele as she reads, Splat the Cat and the Duck with No Quack by R. Learn more about possible network issues or contact support for more help. Splat the Cat and the duck with no quack / based on the bestselling books by Rob Scotton cover art and text by Rob Scotton interior illustrations by Robert Eberz. If that doesnt work, there may be a network issue, and you can use our self test page to see whats preventing the page from loading. : Splat the Cat and the Duck with No Quack (I Can Read Level 1) (9780061978579) by Scotton, Rob and a great selection of similar New, Used and. Sherman Library Playaway Wonderbooks 1st Floor